
What Is Good & Bad Cholesterol?

An essential substance produced naturally by the liver and found in different foods, cholesterol is transported by low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Bad cholesterol or LDL can stick to the lining of arteries and build up deposits that can block blood flow. Cholesterol in HDL is called good because it picks up excess cholesterol and returns it to the liver. Maintaining proper levels of cholesterol is essential for your overall health. Too much bad cholesterol can cause serious health conditions, including narrowing of the arteries, heart diseases, and stroke. Contact Internal Medicine Las Vegas Nevada in Las Vegas, NV and have our primary practitioner check your cholesterol.

What Causes High Cholesterol?

A sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet high in fat are major factors in developing high cholesterol; however, genetics, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes may also contribute to the condition. Our expert team will draw blood to screen for high cholesterol levels. If the screening reveals high levels, board-certified internal medicine practitioner Dr. Roger Estevez will discuss different treatment options. To help manage your condition, Dr. Estevez may recommend making certain lifestyle adjustments, including cutting down on fatty foods and taking prescription medication.

Other effective ways to combat high cholesterol include:

How Is Cholesterol Treated?

At Internal Medicine Las Vegas Nevada, we may handle your high cholesterol in a number of ways, depending on the type of cholesterol that is elevated and how high it is. In some cases, dietary changes that eliminate saturated and trans fats, like reducing red meat and dairy intake, are enough to reduce your numbers. You may also wish to incorporate more omega-3 rich foods, or a supplement, into your diet. In other cases, we may suggest statins, which are drugs used to prevent more serious illness from progressing with your cholesterol. We will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan when you visit your provider.

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Internal Medicine Las Vegas Nevada Reviews

Get Your Cholesterol Checked Out

Our experienced team at Internal Medicine Las Vegas Nevada can help diagnose any cholesterol concerns and tailor a treatment plan suitable for you. If left untreated, high cholesterol could lead to heart disease. To understand more about your cardiovascular health and catch problems before they arise, schedule an appointment today with Dr. Estevez at our Las Vegas, NV


Cholesterol is a fatty substance that’s found in your blood. While it’s crucial for building cell membranes and producing hormones, having too much can lead to arterial plaque and heart issues. Internal Medicine Las Vegas Nevada offers comprehensive cholesterol tests to help you manage your levels.

For most adults, it’s advised to have your cholesterol checked every 4 to 6 years. However, if you have a family history of heart disease, high cholesterol, or other risk factors, more frequent checks may be necessary. Speak to our healthcare providers for personalized recommendations.

Internal Medicine Las Vegas Nevada, we provide a wide range of cholesterol tests. Understanding these levels can help in assessing your cardiovascular risk and tailoring a treatment plan suited to you.