Male Sexual Enhancement

What Is Male Sexual Enhancement?

Although it can be a difficult subject to open up about, millions of men experience sexual health problems, making these concerns very common. Erectile dysfunction (ED) therapy using the innovative Alma Duo™ device is a revolutionary solution that improves and enhances men’s intimate wellness. It’s a simple, noninvasive treatment that utilizes sound waves to boost the flow of blood to the penis via a technique called LI-ESWT (low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy). This procedure is an excellent substitute for different sexual wellness procedures that require surgery, pills, or assistive equipment. To enhance the lasting power of your erections, gain more sensation, and achieve more spontaneity in the bedroom, think about penile shockwave therapy at Clinical Research of South Nevada. Contact our Las Vegas NV office today to learn more about what an Alma Duo treatment regimen can do for you and to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Roger Estevez.

How Does Male Sexual Enhancement Work?

A Duo ED treatment can help make erections easier to achieve while improving their firmness and duration. In addition, it can also increase sexual sensation and enjoyment. The Alma Duo system is a safe, comfortable, noninvasive, and nonsurgical treatment that uses low-intensity sound waves to break up plaques in the blood vessels of the penis, activate the body’s natural healing response, stimulate new blood vessel growth, and improve blood flow.

Treatment is quick, easy, and comfortable. The procedure only takes about 15 minutes and typically does not require any type of anesthesia. The Duo handpiece is simply passed along the treatment area a set number of times. When you’re done, there is no downtime or recovery period, so you’ll be able to return to your normal routine. Depending on your health needs, Dr. Estevez may recommend up to six treatment sessions spaced out into two sessions a week. Results are long-lasting, with many men seeing their improvements last up to two years before a maintenance regimen may be recommended.

Ready To Get Started?

Enhance Your Sexual Performance and Well-Being

You don’t always need invasive surgical procedures, medications with side effects, or clumsy, difficult-to-use external devices to improve your sexual health. With an effective ED treatment using the next-generation Alma Duo device, you can improve sexual performance, spontaneity, and enjoyment with a quick and easy treatment that provides long-lasting results. At Clinical Research of South Nevada, Dr. Roger Estevez and his team understand the frustration sexual dysfunction and poor performance can cause men. That’s why he provides this innovative treatment to help his patients improve their sexual well-being and quality of life. If you’re in the southern Nevada area, contact our Las Vegas, NV office today to learn more and schedule a private consultation.

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